The Unexpected Power of Complaining

Go ahead and complain Most of us whine and complain about whiners and complainers. When you just arrive at the office, the last thing you want is someone complaining about something. There are some people who seem to relish in the negative, looking for their next target. They are always seeking someone to unload on […]

Uniqueness Unleashed: Lessons from High Point University

Lessons from High Point University   Over the past few decades, I have visited many university campuses around the world. Whether a public institution or an Ivy league school, in the Americas, Europe, or Asia, I have had the opportunity to see many beautiful campuses. I learn from each visit. It’s rare that I am […]

Thinking Creatively About Creativity

The Power of Creativity  The benefits of creativity are extensive.     Creativity enables problem-solving and innovation, allowing employees to find new solutions and drive business growth. Creative thinking promotes adaptability, helping organizations stay agile in a changing environment. It enhances employee engagement and satisfaction by valuing their ideas. Creativity differentiates organizations, attracting customers and […]

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